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Get more from your sex life and reclaim your confidence with doctor-trusted prescription treatments, including personalized options.

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We have 20+ years of expertise In Sexual Wellness, Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology,  Women’s Health, and General Family Practice.


We have 20+ years of expertise In Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, Sexual Wellness, Women’s Health, and General Family Practice.

From the new

“Traumatizing your penis into getting stronger may sound weird, but Wolff has a convenient analogy. ‘This process is very similar to weightlifting,’ she says.”


“I suddenly realized guys wanted this treatment but not in our clinic— they wanted it in the privacy of their own home— and that’s how The Rocket was born.”

Words from Forbes

“People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They want to be a part of their health care plan, making decisions based on what they know as well as what they feel.”

Words from Ventura Blvd Magazine
Stephanie Wolff PA.C CEO

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